Thursday, April 16, 2015

List of topics

Welcome to the Stat Rescue! If you are here, you are probably in a stats class and looking for some extra help. These are my reflections on how to make learning statistics easier. Almost everyone can learn statistics if it is presented to you in ways you are familiar with: Everyday English and examples are two big ways that I have found to make statistics much more accessible. Below is a list of topics I intend to cover. The ones that are hyper-linked have pages, and the ones that are not are forthcoming. 

Understanding equations--A new language

Measures of central tendency

Levels of measurement

Measures of variance

Frequency tables I

Frequency tables II

Association, strength and direction of relationships

Dependent vs. independent variable

Bivariate/two-way tables/Crosstabs

Distribution: Normal, standard normal, skewness, kurtosis

Sampling distribution

Degrees of freedom

Z scores: for observations in a sample

Confidence intervals

Z scores: for sample means in a theoretical distribution

Standard error vs. standard deviation

Hypothesis testing: General

Hypothesis testing: One mean, two mean and one tail, two tail

Measures of association: Lambda, gamma

Elaboration analysis

One way ANOVA

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